
activities header

Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” (Matthew 18:20, NRSV)

Some of the activities below will list a church leader to contact. Current church leaders may be viewed on the “About Us” page.


At Sunday worship, Salem’s youth will light and extinguish the candles during worship services. Contact: Worship Committee Chairperson

Annual Conference
Annual Conference is a business meeting of the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church. It is generally a three-day event held once each year in May or June. The conference includes worship, reports of committees and ministries, approving the annual budget and resolutions, and presentations; and is attended by the pastor and one elected lay representative. (See also “General Conference”). Contact:  Pastor

Salem’s Church Treasury and Financial Accounts are audited once each year. The audit report is sent to the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church. Contact:  Finance Committee Chairperson

Banner Ministry
Create banners which are displayed in the sanctuary, providing a visual dimension to worship.

Bee-lievers/United Methodist Women
Support many activities, events, and fund raising in the life and work of the church, including: Lord’s Acre Festival (quilt-making, crafts, soup, sandwiches, pies, etc.), preparation of dinners (Ruritan and special events), Ladies Night Out, sending cards to those in need, etc. Meets the first Thursday of each month at 7 PM. Contact: Bee-lievers President

Bible Studies
Held periodically during the year. See the Sunday worship bulletin, church website, and church newsletter for upcoming Bible studies. Contact: Pastor

Caregiving Ministry Team
This ministry provides care to church members and the community. Caregiving includes sending flowers to those hospitalized; making visits, making calls and sending cards; providing transportation; visiting shut-ins; offering Holy Communion to shut-ins; sending out prayer requests; and providing ongoing care over the duration of crises situations.

The Salem Church Cemetery is located on Brandenburg Hollow Road.  From Stottlemyer Road, turn left onto Brandenburg Hollow Road, go past two houses on the right, and then turn right into the cemetery (the second of two parallel driveways). Cemetery plots are available for purchase by church members. The Trustees handle administration and maintenance. Contact: Board of Trustees
For more details, see

Church Conference
The annual business meeting of the congregation, normally held in the fall. Approves annual reports from the pastor and church committees, approves the pastor’s compensation, elects church leaders, and undertakes other business that may come before the conference. Contact: Pastor

Children’s Activity Bags
Provided for children during worship services. Include books, activities, coloring books and crayons, stuffed animals, etc. Located in a box under the table just outside the worship space. Please return bags following the worship service.

Choirs (Adult and Children)
• Adult Choir – Sing at the 9:00 a.m. worship service primarily during the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter seasons. Also sing at Christmas and Easter community hymn sings. Practice is at 7 PM on Tuesday evenings from October through April. Contact: Adult Choir Director
• Children’s Choir – Sing during worship at Christmas, Easter, and about two other times during the year. Practice during the last part of the Sunday school hour during the weeks leading up to performing. Contact: Children’s Choir Director

Christmas Card Exchange
A mailbox is set just outside the worship space to allow members an opportunity to exchange Christmas Cards with one another.

Christmas Party
Usually held in early December. Food and fellowship including activities and games for all ages, a Christmas gift exchange, an appearance by Santa, and caroling (weather permitting).

Church Council
Salem’s Church Council is the decision-making body of the congregation. Members include committee chairpersons, ministry leaders, members-at-large, a young adult member, and a youth member. The Council usually meets the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. All worshippers are welcome to attend. (See also “Church Conference”). Contact: Church Council Chairperson

Communications Coordinator
Coordinates the communications activities of the church, including the church website, The Mountain Shepherd monthly newsletter, and advertising of worship services, ministries, and activities and events. Contact: Communications Coordinator

Communion Instruction
Helps children understand the meaning of the sacrament of Holy Communion. Held for third graders during the Sunday School hour on the four Sundays leading up to Advent. Children are recognized during the worship service of Holy Communion on the first Sunday in December.  Contact: Pastor

Confirmation and Confirmation Classes
Classes preparing youth for confirmation are held during the spring each year for those completing the sixth grade. On Confirmation Sunday, normally in late May, candidates publically profess their belief in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. A reception follows, honoring those confirmed. Contact: Pastor

Creation Music Festival, Mt. Union, PA
Held during late June each year, the Creation Music Festival draws thousands of participants from all over the country. The four-day event is filled with music, speakers, worship, and small group discussions.  This is a great time of renewal for all who attend.

CROP Hunger Walk
Salem hosts this Wolfsville/Myersville community event usually the last Sunday afternoon in September each year. The 5-mile walk, which begins and ends at Salem, raises money for hunger programs, both locally and globally. Walkers ask for pledges to sponsor them in the walk. Walkers from six Wolfsville area churches are faithful participants. For more details, see

Decorating the Church for Advent
Usually the Friday before the First Sunday of Advent. Decorating includes getting items out of storage, putting up and decorating the Chrismon tree, hanging garland and wreaths, setting up the manger scenes, setting up the stand with the Advent Candles, clean-up afterward, etc. Contact: Worship Committee Chairperson

Directory of Addresses
Includes contact information for Salem’s worshippers and friends of Salem. Also lists birthdays and anniversaries. To add/revise information, please contact Salem’s Communications Coordinator

Dramatic Presentations and Recitations
Over the years Christian dramas have been a tradition, especially at Christmas and Easter. During these times, children have an opportunity to recite poems appropriate to the occasion. Contact: Worship Committee Chairperson and Children’s Coordinator

Easter Egg Hunt
Held the Saturday before Easter.  When children arrive, they are divided into age groups and sent off to find the eggs. Afterward, children and their families enjoy snacks in the fellowship hall as prizes are awarded. Sometimes, the Easter Bunny makes an appearance. Contact: Children’s Coordinator

Easter Sunrise Service
A community worship service hosted by six area churches on a rotating basis. The service normally starts at 6:30 AM. The Wolfsville Ruritan Club serves refreshments following the service. Contact at Salem:  Worship Committee Chairperson. For more details, see

Evangelism Team
Leads our efforts to go out into our community, build relationships, and bring people to Christ and a church family. Provides Salem’s worshippers with the knowledge and skills to share Christ with others at home, in their neighborhoods, in the workplace, and in the community. Contact: Evangelism Team Leader

Faith Builders
See Youth Group

Family Ministry
Promotes the strength of families within the congregation and community. Plans and leads family-oriented events such as the Hike to Black Rock (Fall), the Salem Slam Ping Pong Tournament (Fall), the Annual Christmas Party and Caroling (Winter), the Roller Skating Party (Winter), trip to Hershey Park (Spring) and the Ice Cream Social (Summer).

Finance Committee
Develops and recommends an annual budget to the Church Council which reflects the mission, vision, and goals of the church. Contact: Finance Committee Chairperson

Financial Secretary
Does the accounting for Sunday morning offering. The Financial Secretary picks up the offering, reports to the Church Treasurer the amount received by category, makes the deposit to the bank, and reports to contributors the amount they have given each year.

Flower Ministry
Flowers are purchased, arranged and displayed in the sanctuary for Sunday worship and special worship services.  During the growing season, flowers come from the gardens of church members adding to the specialness of the arrangements. Flowers are also sent to members of Salem Church who are hospitalized. Contact: Outreach Chairperson

Food Pantry
Open each Tuesday, 6:30-7:30 PM, the Food Pantry provides food and paper products to those in need residing in the Wolfsville, Sabillasville, and Smithsburg zip codes. Other services include caregiving and prayer, and information on social services, employment and nutrition, etc. The Food Pantry is stocked through food and paper product donations from local churches and individuals, a grant from the Wolfsville Ruritan Club, monetary donations from individuals, and purchases from the Maryland Food Bank. Contact: Food Pantry Coordinator. For more details, see

Fruit Baskets and Flowers
Fruit baskets and flowers are distributed at Christmas and Easter to people who have recently gone through a crisis in their life, such as loss of a loved one, serious illness or injury, etc.  Contact: Outreach Chairperson

Greeters for Worship Services
Greet the congregation and guests as we gather to worship on Sunday mornings and at other special times. Greeter assignments are published in The Mountain Shepherd church newsletter each month. Contact: Worship Committee Chairperson

Harvest Festival
Salem’s Harvest Festival is held around Halloween time. The event includes food, games, costume judging, hayride, and trunk or treat. Contact: Sunday School Superintendent

Hero’s Club
An after school program held on Mondays for elementary school children which runs from September through June. At dismissal from school, children are escorted from Wolfsville Elementary School to Salem Church. Weekly activities include snack time, homework time, craft/activity time, chapel time, and outdoor playtime. Special events usually include a dinner for Hero’s Club families, a field trip, and an end of year celebration. Hero’s Club is staffed by a paid director, and several adult and student volunteers. For more details, see Contact: Hero’s Club Director.

Hershey Park Trip
A trip to Hershey Park during April before the park is officially open. Discounted tickets are sold by Griffith Oil Company as a thank you to their customers. Contact:  Youth Group Leader

Hike to Black Rock
A Sunday afternoon hike held in October. Enjoy the exercise, good fellowship, fall leaves, and beautiful view from atop Black Rock on South Mountain. Contact: Family Ministry Leader

Maintains and enhances the historical record of Salem. A history of Salem is included on the church website at Contact: Historian

Holy Communion
We partake in Holy Communion as a church family during worship services on the first Sunday of each month. Holy Communion is available anytime to persons in the hospital, in care facilities, shut-ins, and others. Contact: Pastor

Ice Cream Social
A community event held during July at Salem’s pavilion. People bring their favorite side dishes and desserts to enjoy with the main course, cooked on grills.  The Sowers family treats us to their South Mountain Creamery homemade ice cream.  Following the meal, there are family fun games and music. In an effort to be more environmentally responsible, the balloon launch was discontinued in 2015.

Ladies’ Night Out
Held during the month of May, this is an opportunity for the ladies of the church to go out to eat and fellowship together.  Ladies of the church, friends, moms and daughters, all enjoy attending this evening out. Contact: Salem Bee-lievers President

Lay Leader
Represents the interests of the laity of the congregation. Observes, provides feedback, offers ideas, monitors morale, helps manage conflict, etc. Serves on the Administrative Council, the Staff-Parish Relations Committee, and the Nominations and Leadership Development Committee.

Lay Member to Annual Conference
Along with the pastor, represents the congregation at Annual Conference.

Lay Reader for Worship Services
Offers the opening prayer, leads the Lord’s Prayer, and reads the Scripture Reading(s) at the 9 AM traditional worship service. Contact: Worship Committee Chairperson

Leadership Days
A day-long training event in January administered by the Western Region of our Baltimore-Washington Conference. Training includes two break-out sessions in the morning, a box lunch, and a third break-out session in the afternoon. Basic training is usually offered for key committees (Staff-Parish Relations, Trustees, Finance, Worship, etc.). Training is also offered on topics of current interest. Contact: Pastor

Local Lay Servant
Following successful completion of formal training classes, participants are designated “Local Lay Servant.” Classes cover various topics on the life and work of the local church, equipping lay servants to serve in roles of increasing responsibility in their local church. Classes are normally held in the spring and fall each year. Contact: Pastor

Lord’s Acre Festival
Held the second Saturday in September, this is Salem’s primary fundraiser. Donations of food, crafts, produce, flea market items, plants, etc. are sold to raise money to support Salem’s Building and Improvement Fund. At 2 PM everything goes on sale.  Starting at 6 PM, an auction is held to auction off all remaining items. For more details, see Contact: Administrative Council Chairperson

Mission Projects
Salem supports numerous mission projects. Each project has an annual funding goal.

New Members Class
Classes are offered as needed to new members of Salem Church.  Content addresses both our personal relationship with God and our relationship with each other. Basic Christian beliefs are covered, and a high-level view of the life and work of Salem Church is presented. Contact: Pastor

Newsletter – The Mountain Shepherd
Salem’s monthly newsletter is available the Sunday before the start of each month. It is a very helpful and interesting source of information on the ongoing life and work of the church including feature stories, articles of interest, an update on mission work, snapshots of attendance and offerings, a monthly calendar of events, announcements, worship leader assignments, birthdays and anniversaries, recipes and poems, worship themes for the month, and more. Most people receive an electronic copy of the newsletter, in color, via Salem’s website. Paper copies are also available. The current newsletter and those from the recent past are available at Salem’s website, Contact: Communications Coordinator

Nominations and Leadership Development Committee
Responsible for identifying and training leaders in the congregation. Throughout the year, the committee helps worshippers identify their spiritual gifts and share them with others in the congregation and community. In August-September, the committee nominates people to serve in open positions on committees and ministries. Contact: Pastor

The nursery is available for use by families but the nursery is not staffed.  A crib, toys, and books are available. A speaker in the nursery allows the worship service to be heard.

Offering Envelopes
Offering envelopes are available for Sunday morning offering. Those using offering envelopes will receive a statement of their giving at the end of the calendar year. During December, current users will automatically receive a new set of envelopes for the upcoming year. If you wish to start using offering envelopes, please contact Salem’s Financial Secretary.

Online Giving
Salem is now offering the convenience of online giving. Go to and select GIVE. Sign into your account on the secure server at Vanco Payment Solutions, a United Methodist endorsed service. You may set up recurring giving, e.g., weekly, monthly, or give one time. Funds will be automatically withdrawn from your checking or savings account. No more checks to write and you may change your giving amount at any time. This is a personal choice. Salem members who have already signed up for electronic giving are pleased with the service. Contact: Church Treasurer

Outreach Committee
The Outreach Committee coordinates the Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes, the Salvation Army Christmas Stockings, Christmas and Easter Fruit Baskets and Flowers, and the School Supply collection. See details under each of these listings. Contact: Outreach Committee Chairperson

Salem’s pavilion is available for use by church members; or a church member must be present during an event held at the pavilion. To use the pavilion, it must be reserved in advance.

Plant and Food Sale
Held the Saturday before Mother’s Day from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Salem’s pavilion. Plants are hand-selected from Lancaster County, PA. Food is sold inside the church in the social area. Contact: Bee-lievers President

Prayer Chain
Prayer requests may be emailed or phoned to the pastor, who sends out the prayer request to everyone participating in Salem’s Prayer Chain.  Participants have the option of selecting which way they would like to receive prayer requests: by email, by phone (via the PhoneTree messaging system), or both. Contact: Pastor

Prayer List
The current prayer list is included in the worship bulletin and posted on the bulletin board. Please include those listed in your daily prayers. Your help in keeping the list current is appreciated. To add or remove a person from the list please contact the Worship Committee Chairperson.

Prayer Vigil
A prayer vigil is held on the Saturday before Easter Sunday, from noon until midnight. As Jesus’ death on Good Friday is still fresh in our minds, and as we anticipate Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday, we stand in awe of God’s extraordinary love for us. This twelve hours of focused prayer is a way we can return our love to God. Participants sign up for half-hour time slots and choose to pray in the sanctuary or at another location. Contact: Worship Committee Chairperson

Praise Band
The praise band is called “Works in Progress.” This community praise band, consisting of members from two area churches, plays at Salem the second and fourth Sundays of the month (Second Sunday, 9 AM and 11:15 AM services; Fourth Sunday, 11:15 AM service only). The band practices Thursday evenings starting at 7 PM, and plays at various church and community events throughout the year, including worship at Grossnickle Church of the Brethren, Salem’s Lord’s Acre Festival, worship at the Board of Child Care, the Wolfsville Ruritan Christmas Dinner, Salem’s Ice Cream Social, the Garfield UMC and Mt. Bethel UMC Hymn Sings, and more.

Roller Skating Party
Held once each year. Date and location is announced in “The Mountain Shepherd” newsletter. A hundred or more church family and friends have been known to turn out for this fun-filled time of skating, playing games, eating, and fellowship. Contact: Family Ministry

ROCK Youth Retreat
Held during early February, this is a conference-wide retreat for middle and high school youth held at the Conference Center in Ocean City, MD. Youth and leaders from churches all around the Baltimore-Washington Conference attend. The retreat goes from Friday to Sunday and includes a featured speaker, Christian bands, breakout sessions, and plenty of free time for group discussions, fellowship and fun. We usually stay at the Carousel Hotel which is on the beach and has an indoor pool and skating rink. On Sunday morning, Salem’s youth help serve Holy Communion at the closing worship service. Contact: Youth Group Leaders (See also “Youth Sunday”)

Ruritan Club Dinners
The Bee-lievers/United Methodist Women prepare dinner for four Wolfsville Ruritan meetings during the year, held the third Monday of February, April, June, and October. The June meeting is held at the Ruritan Park. Your help is appreciated to prepare food at 2 PM and serve at 7 PM. Proceeds from the dinner are used to support the ministries of Salem Church. Contact: Bee-lievers President

Salem Iron Men
The Salem Iron Men was formed in 2018, and meets on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, at the Salem Pavilion from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. The group’s purpose is based upon Proverbs 27:17, which says, “As Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Calling all men to come on out, bring a friend and live out the adventure God has called each of us to live.

Salem Slam Ping Pong Tournament
Held in the church social room. Dates will be announced in “The Mountain Shepherd” newsletter. Church family and friends get together to compete in a ping-pong tournament and enjoy fellowship with one another. All age groups are included.  Prizes are awarded in youth and adult categories, and younger children have an opportunity to play ping-pong just for fun. Contact: Family Ministry

Salvation Army Christmas Stockings
Twenty-four inch mesh Christmas stockings are ordered through the Salvation Army and arrive during October. They are filled with gift items, collected in late November, and distributed to children in need in Frederick County. Stockings are available for boys and girls in five different age groups, and come with a list of suggested items for purchase. Contact: Outreach Chairperson

Senior’s Appreciation Luncheon
The youth prepare (with some help) and serve lunch to the seniors, age 65 and up. There is a theme (50’s, 70’s, etc.), music, and decorations. Sometimes the youth will provide entertainment and the seniors will share stories of when they were in their youth. A great time is had by all. Contact: Youth Group Leaders

Social Hall
The social hall is available for use by church members. To reserve the social hall, contact Administrative Council Chairperson

Soup and Sandwich Sale
The Bee-lievers hold a Soup and Sandwich Sale during February. Orders are taken for several weeks. During the week of the sale, soups and sandwiches are made on Thursday and Friday, and orders are picked up Saturday and Sunday. Your help is appreciated. Proceeds from the sale go to support the ministries of Salem. Contact: Bee-lievers President

Staff/Parish Relations Committee
The SPRC works to build and maintain good relationships between the pastor and the congregation and between members of the congregation. Other responsibilities include: annual review of the pastor’s compensation, recommending to Administrative Council the hiring of paid staff, and preparing and delivering performance reviews for paid staff. The SPRC meets in closed session to uphold confidentiality. Contact: SPRC Chairperson

Sunday School (classes, teachers, staff)
Salem has a very active Sunday School program for all ages. Sunday School meets at 10:15 AM every Sunday. For a list of classes and teachers, see Contact: Sunday School Superintendent

Thanksgiving Worship Service

The Wolfsville Community Thanksgiving service is hosted by five area churches on a rotating basis. The service is usually held Thanksgiving Eve or the Sunday before Thanksgiving. For more information, see Thanksgiving Worship Service  Contact at Salem: Worship Committee Chairperson

Treasurer (Church)
Responsible for the day-to-day finances of the church. The Church Treasurer Chairs the Finance Committee and leads the Administrative Council through the budget approval process each year. Other responsibilities include paying bills, keeping financial records, working with the bank to recommend safe, secure investments with the best available returns, paying staff, submitting reports to the council, the conference, and the government, and keeping the leadership and congregation informed, and researching/recommending enhancements. Contact: Church Treasurer

The Trustees are responsible for the buildings and grounds of the church. They meet at 7 PM the first Thursday of most months to identify needs, discuss options, develop proposals for bids, review plans, supervise contract work, etc. The trustees are also responsible for the Salem Cemetery and handle insurance matters for the church. Between meetings, the trustees conduct maintenance of buildings and grounds. Assisting the trustees on work projects is a way you can help keep Salem well maintained and welcoming. Contact: President, Board of Trustees

Ushers for Worship Services
Collect the offering during worship, record attendance, and assist with worship as needed. Usher assignments are published in The Mountain Shepherd church newsletter each month. Contact: Worship Committee Chairperson

United Methodist Women (UMW)
See “Bee-lievers.”

Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Held during July each year, VBS rotates between Salem and St. Mark’s Lutheran Church. Each evening for a week, children enjoy Bible study, prayer, singing, crafts and other activities, all around a specific theme for the week. For many children, VBS is an important part of their Christian formation. The Wolfsville Ruritan Club provides financial support.  For more information, see Vacation Bible School (VBS)  Contact: Salem Bible School Coordinator

Website (
Salem’s website provides an up-to-date, single source of information for the life and work of the church including: who we are, worship and study opportunities, ministries and activities, a list of the pastor’s sermon topics, the monthly newsletter, contact information and directions, a link to daily devotional materials, weekly and upcoming events; etc. Contact: Salem Website Administrator

Welcome Bags
Welcome Bags are given to our visitors, as one more way of having visitors feel at home at Salem. Welcome Bags contain small gift items and informative materials about Salem Church. Contact: Welcome Bag Coordinator

Wolfsville Area Ministerium
Pastors from several Wolfsville area churches meet monthly for fellowship, sharing, and planning. Contact: Pastor

Works in Progress Praise Band
See “Praise Band.”

Worship Committee
Supports all aspects of worship including bulletins, prayer list, music, greeters, lay readers, ushers, acolytes, special music, media design and computer operation, sound system operation, recording services, communion preparation and servers, altar flowers, candles, decorating the church for Advent and Easter, banners, etc. The worship committee supports special events including baptisms, confirmation, receiving new members, gifts for Mother’s and Father’s Day, devotionals for Advent and Lent, and special flowers for Christmas and Easter.  The committee also supports special services including Christmas Eve Program, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Community Thanksgiving Service and Community Easter Sunrise Service. The worship committee usually meets the fourth Thursday in January, April, July, and October to plan for the quarter. Contact: Worship Committee Chairperson

Worship Services (Traditional & Contemporary)
Different worship times and styles are offered. Holy Communion is celebrated at both services the 1st Sunday of each month. A nursery is available for use, but not staffed. See Worship Services (Traditional & Contemporary)  Contact: Pastor

Sunday Worship (Traditional) – 9 to 10 a.m. Includes traditional hymns, opening prayer/Lord’s prayer, children’s time, special music, scripture readings, sermon, and prayers of joy and concern.

Sunday Worship (Contemporary) – 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Includes contemporary praise music, children’s time, witness time, prayers of joy and concern, scripture readings, and a message.

Special Services at Salem – Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Christmas Eve.

Special Community Services – Churches of the greater Wolfsville community worship together on Thanksgiving Evening (or the Sunday before), Palm Sunday Evening (Hymn Sing), and Easter Sunrise Service. Services rotate between participating churches.

Youth Group (Middle School and High School Youth)
Also called the “Faith Builders.”  Meet every Thursday, 6:30-8:00 p.m., during the school year. Also meet about once a month for an activity or event including start and end-of-year pool parties, Lord’s Acre Festival, CROP Walk for Hunger, Hike to Black Rock, Salem Slam Ping-Pong Tournament, Christmas Party, Christmas Eve Program, ROCK Youth Retreat, Youth Sunday, Roller Skating Party, Seniors Appreciation Luncheon, Hershey Park Trip, Progressive Dinner and Lock-In, Creation Christian Music Festival, Ice Cream Social, etc. Contact: Youth Group Leaders

Youth Sunday
The youth lead worship the Sunday following their return from the ROCK Youth Retreat, usually held in early February. During the sermon time, youth share what they experienced or learned at ROCK and how they will use this in the future. Contact: Youth Group Leaders